Saturday, March 2, 2013

Day 1 and 2: Nordic Skiing, Mountain Pine Beetles, and More!

Snapshots of our first two days in Keystone

Today was a day of many firsts: an airplane ride, leaving Texas, seeing snow, learning to ski, seeing majestic mountains, eating dinner tied to a stranger (now friend), and so much more.
Here is glimpse into our many adventures during our first two days at camp:
Richard chilling like a boss!

Taking a practice run!!

READY for Breckenridge!

 During a team-building dinner, we had to wear rubberbands with our new Harmony friends. It was quite a challenge.

 During our tree identification activity, we blindfolded our partner and led them to particular trees.
Here are Yanira and Angelina showing us how it's done like a boss.
 Fashionable and functional on the trail.

 Katie, Ms. Scott, and Ms. Linnville's group during our deep-snow hike!

 Miracle and her beautiful smile!

Mr. Bozdogan (aka Greyhawk) is back!

 .....we're getting there!

Moses, Celene, Karime, Celeste, Victor, and our instructor Katie are ready for adventure!
 Stunning vistas at Keystone Science School!

Cross-country skiing 101 with Instructor Sarah.

Ms. Scott helping instruct on the slopes!

 A gorgeous day in Colorado.
 Angels in the snow!
Practicing falling! Dead bugs!
 Celeste is a ski star!
Lizzett and Leyanes falling like professionals. Can't wait until tomorrow!!!

After a long day, heading to our cabins.


  1. I am so glad you guys have good snow this year!! Looks like so much fun. So absolutely beautiful. Can't wait to see more


  3. Greetings Colorado adventurers!

    7A has been enjoying your photos and blog posts so much that we wanted to respond! First off, we all hope that you're having a blast and enjoying the beautiful landscape and fun activities. Secondly, we want to give a special shout-out to our classmates Miracle and Angie - HEY!!!!!!

    And here's what was on our minds as we looked at your photos and read about your trip:

    Was it hard when you were tied up together and had to eat dinner? - Maria H.

    I want to say hi but they are so far away and they are having fun in the snow. And there is A LOT of snow! - Ramon

    It looks like fun! Was the snow fun? It looks like skiing is hard! - Mina

    Did it hurt when you were practicing falling? - Celia

    Hey guys! Are you having fun? I miss you!

    It looks like you are having a lot of fun! Is it cool there? - Juan

    Hope y'all have fun over there! I hope to see more pictures of you guys having fun! - Roxanne

    Why did you have to practice falling? Is it cold? - Homar

    It looks like you're having so much fun! I hope you actually got to eat something with your hands all tied up!

    Is the snow cold when you fall? Hi by the way to all of you! Try not to get stuck in the snow! - Yareli

    Hey guys! I can see y'all are having a blast! I love the skiing photos. Hilarious! Can't wait to see more. Miss you guys. - Jazzilyn

    I wonder how it feels to be chained to some one else. Was it a good experiment or did it feel really weird? Did you hate it or was is actually fun? - a friend

    Hey guys! Can't wait until you are back. How did the bracelet eating go? Is it colder than last year?

    Hey! I can see y'all are really having fun! It is really hard to ski? Does it hurt your legs? Are y'all making a lot of good friends over there? - Laura

    It must be cold out there because you are wearing all those clothes! P.S. We miss you. - Joe

    I see you had so much fun! Did you learn how to ski? - Lourdes

    It looks like you guys are having lots of fun. Please save me some snow! I really want some. Everybody says hi. Mrs. Saulter- it looks like y'all are having fun out there! Have a really safe trip. - Elexus

    Was it hard to eath with other people's hands? You all look beautiful and I love your snow clothes! - Luz

    It looks cool skiing in the snow. I've never tried it! - Ruwaidah

  4. HELLO 7A and HSA friends! We're having so much fun and we miss you guys too! Can't wait to share stories when we get back! You guys should definitly go next year.

    P.S. It's really cold, but so much fun! We practiced falling because you have to know how to get up. We're now masters at falling and getting up (well, mostly falling).

    -Betty, Yanira, Celene, Lizzett, Leyanes, and Yesenia

  5. To: 7A
    From: Miracle
    Hey you guys!!!! I love all your questions and yes it is cold and there is a lot of snow. I miss all of you guys and your hilarious personalities! See you soon!! :) P.S I know all you guys miss me!!
    Hola HSA!!! We miss y'all and wish y'all were here WITH US! It's not the same without you. I am so proud of your classmates as they have faced so many challenges, such as the freezing weather, plentiful falls, withstanding the high altitude, and missing their families. It makes me so happy to see all of their hardwork from fundraising paying off. YOU have GOT to try to come next year!

    Love y'all. Hasta miercoles!
    Ms. Scott

    P.S. Wait 'til y'all see the Harmony Harlem Shake. It will make you fall out of your chair laughing! :)
